Monday − Saturday : 10:00AM − 7:00PM

Thursday 14, July 2022

Ever since human life came into existence, every (early) man lived in harmony with nature. But as with evolution, civilization, and modernization, we are breaking the bonding of nature with human life consciously and unconsciously. 

Our ancestors depended on nature for their daily life needs and for maintaining a healthy life. Humans developed a lifestyle to adapt to the geographical and climatic conditions of the place where they were born and lived. Lifestyle has been in existence since we came into the world. 


The term ‘Lifestyle’ is not meant to indicate only those who are living in the cities or those who can afford various materials or those who can project their smartness through language and appearance. Every life on earth has a lifestyle. But what are we paying as a price to live the so-called modern lifestyle!! I would not even want to just plainly state “health”. But we are compromising the “Quality of our Lives”. 


When we get to check the quality of every material we own through various sources available to us, say our friends, online search, and so on, have we ever wondered if we are living a good quality of life?! It is a big NOOO!!


Different places have different vegetations all over the world. Early man and our ancestors relied upon nature to remedy their various ailments. The use of these vegetations for their medicinal properties varied from place to place depending on their availability. This indeed helped in the development of different methods of treatment all over the world. 


You all know very well that our forefathers and great grandmothers had reasonable knowledge of the medicinal value of different plant species even though the facts were not put into writing. The information was only handed over to the successive generations employing oral tradition. Even now, in rural communities, people grow medicinal plants around the places where they live to satisfy their immediate requirements. These kinds of plants with medicinal properties are called ‘HERBS’.


Our modern life has deviated us from nature and we are clueless about the roles of these herbs in maintaining a healthy life. Even though the knowledge persists, the quality of soil, air, and water has deteriorated. Our human activities compromise the quality of all the life-giving resources and the life-living humans.         


You may wonder with such a massive population how is it possible to control every person’s activities. Yes! Agreed and I understand that it is beyond a single man’s capacity. But making a single change which is within the possible reach of every person would make a great impact over time. Similarly, adopting a healthy lifestyle would improve the quality of your life- in terms of genes and cells, and would invariably produce good quality people right at birth. 

So, make harmony with the space we share, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the fire we use- be earth-friendly! This will give you a good quality of life.  

How to reach us

Paramathi : 32/5, Dr. Janani’s Health Management Center, Main Road, Paramathi PO., Paramathivelur Tk., Namakkal - 637 207.

Salem : 29, Dr. Janani’s Health Management Center, 1st Floor, Brindavan Road, Near Balaji Temple, Fairlands, Salem, Tamil Nadu - 636 016.