Monday − Saturday : 10:00AM − 7:00PM

Diet versus Physical activity- The Perfect choice for Weight Loss

Thursday 06, October 2022

You would’ve heard several times that diet and exercise are the keys to a healthy weight. It has become evident in the argument between diet and exercise in concluding which is superior in producing weight loss. 

If you’re aspiring to lose weight, your best bet is to focus on food.

Despite the regular idea to burn fat and calories away at the gym, people who modify their diets lose more weight than those who only increase physical activity.

The proof is shown in many systematic reviews and it is clear that over three years, people who got 30 minutes or more of physical activity a day had higher rates of weight gain than those who exercised less. 

So now, you may wonder why isn’t gym time the miracle weight-loss machine we’ve believed in all these years.

It’s way easier to avoid calories in the first place than to try to burn them off. Working off a 100-calorie cookie is one thing, but it would take hours at the gym to negate 1,200 calories from a burger and fries. The terrible eating you do on the weekends cannot be compensated with intense physical activity. 

Committing to a 30-minute workout program is easier than committing to a change over for a more consistent eating plan. If you are not conscious and mindful about portion sizes, you might tend to eat more when you start a new exercise program. Not only will your hunger grow naturally from the energy burn, but you might also relax on healthy food choices. 

People naturally tend to treat themselves with food if they get the satisfaction that they are working out hard and they need not bother about the food choices and quantity as they believe that all the calories are expended at the gym. Half an hour on the treadmill might shoot away 300 calories, but just one slice of cake could neutralize that hard work. You might have heard that muscle weighs more than fat. That’s true, but it doesn’t mean you should claim that the bigger number on the scale is all muscle. “It’s not an excuse for the weight gain.” If you’ve been exercising without results, your diet is probably to blame.

At this point, do not conclude that you should cancel your gym membership. When you couple diet with exercise, it results in more successful weight loss than just the diet alone. Exercise doesn’t just burn calories and build muscles, it has various other benefits too. While adding exercise to a healthier diet doesn’t lead to additional weight loss in the first six months of a program, those who both diet and exercise have better long-term results over a year.

Do pharmacies exploit patients?

Thursday 18, August 2022

What’s happening?!

Consider the following situation: a patient has injured one of his toes and approaches a physician. The doctor after thorough examination diagnoses it to be a fracture does strapping and assures the patient that it’s not a major issue. The doctor also prescribes a pain killer to relieve the pain and clearly instructs the patient to take the drug only when the pain is severe and intolerable. The doctor has written the same in his prescription that the pain killer would be needed only for the first couple of days of injury.

Now the patient takes the Prescription to the pharmacy where the pharmacist or the person working there to dispense the drug gives his advice to the patient that the patient should take the pain killer for five days and gives one full strip of that drug.

The patient tries to explain what his doctor told him but the pharmacist refuses to agree and says that drugs will be dispensed as full strips and can’t be cut.

What will the patient do? Is this right?

Similar kinds of scenarios exist with dispensing most of the essential drugs especially the sugar and BP medics and so on.

What do I feel as a doctor?

Do not exploit the patients. Money matters to everybody. I’ve seen a lot of patients who have strips and strips of medicines for a single prescription and they don’t even like to take drugs for more than 3 days on average unless it’s a chronic condition that warrants regular medication. And ultimately all those excess medics go to trash untouched. Some people can’t afford these medicines that go to the trash. Just think if all those that are trashed are instead donated whole-heartedly would benefit somebody somewhere by the pharmacies that are trying to exploit the patients.

Why are people forced to buy more of what should be bought in a limited amount!! 

There is no rule that drug strips should not be cut. If you go to a GH or a PHC, you will be given only what is needed for the time and there’s no extra. Whereas in a private pharmacy, it’s not the case you see at all. Patients and their attendees should be aware and ask for what they want and be very demanding that you are served only what is needed. Patients have all the rights to decide if they should take a medicine or not even though a doctor advises. Take charge of your money and be directly responsible for your body and health.

Surplus and excess are real issues that should be addressed in all sectors and all parts of life. Be it food, medicines, or other materials and technology. You know the saying “too much of anything is good for nothing”. Problems due to overconsumption or overuse should be taken seriously and a conscious informed decision should be taken for everything in life. Have a happy healthy life!


Thursday 14, July 2022

Ever since human life came into existence, every (early) man lived in harmony with nature. But as with evolution, civilization, and modernization, we are breaking the bonding of nature with human life consciously and unconsciously. 

Our ancestors depended on nature for their daily life needs and for maintaining a healthy life. Humans developed a lifestyle to adapt to the geographical and climatic conditions of the place where they were born and lived. Lifestyle has been in existence since we came into the world. 


The term ‘Lifestyle’ is not meant to indicate only those who are living in the cities or those who can afford various materials or those who can project their smartness through language and appearance. Every life on earth has a lifestyle. But what are we paying as a price to live the so-called modern lifestyle!! I would not even want to just plainly state “health”. But we are compromising the “Quality of our Lives”. 


When we get to check the quality of every material we own through various sources available to us, say our friends, online search, and so on, have we ever wondered if we are living a good quality of life?! It is a big NOOO!!


Different places have different vegetations all over the world. Early man and our ancestors relied upon nature to remedy their various ailments. The use of these vegetations for their medicinal properties varied from place to place depending on their availability. This indeed helped in the development of different methods of treatment all over the world. 


You all know very well that our forefathers and great grandmothers had reasonable knowledge of the medicinal value of different plant species even though the facts were not put into writing. The information was only handed over to the successive generations employing oral tradition. Even now, in rural communities, people grow medicinal plants around the places where they live to satisfy their immediate requirements. These kinds of plants with medicinal properties are called ‘HERBS’.


Our modern life has deviated us from nature and we are clueless about the roles of these herbs in maintaining a healthy life. Even though the knowledge persists, the quality of soil, air, and water has deteriorated. Our human activities compromise the quality of all the life-giving resources and the life-living humans.         


You may wonder with such a massive population how is it possible to control every person’s activities. Yes! Agreed and I understand that it is beyond a single man’s capacity. But making a single change which is within the possible reach of every person would make a great impact over time. Similarly, adopting a healthy lifestyle would improve the quality of your life- in terms of genes and cells, and would invariably produce good quality people right at birth. 

So, make harmony with the space we share, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the fire we use- be earth-friendly! This will give you a good quality of life.  


Thursday 30, June 2022

The human body is not just a collection of organs and organ systems that manifests symptoms and signs only to indicate the presence of a disease.
Indeed, our body is a complex machine that functions in such a synchronized and coordinated way. This is so amazing that its functions cannot be replicated by any super technology. To unravel the mystery of how each cell and its organelles functions within and among themselves is beyond reality despite so many inventions and discoveries. And more importantly, how our genes are regulating these cells is yet another miracle.
And you know! these genes and cells respond in numerous ways to each food & nutrient. This means that the way these genes and cells behave to various nutrients present in our food and ultimately projecting their results on our health status forms the basis of why we should incorporate nutritional science in rendering health care. Food and water are the most basic needs for human survival. Even though we function through the outer world with the help of the solid body structure, every vital function is being carried over at molecular levels that cannot be seen or felt. The molecules need the right chemicals to drive them. The right chemicals are present in the right food. Every machine needs fuel and so everybody needs its fuel in the form of nutritious food. That food should support our survival, repair, and renewal. Tapping this science and knowledge about food and nutrition helps us lead a disease-free life. 
It feels even nicer to hear "live with a good quality of life". 
Quality of life is more meaningful than its longevity. The one life we live in this birth should be healthy, productive, efficient, self-reliant, and satisfactory. We all want to live without suffering. But we are not aware that we are harming ourselves with the wrong food choices thinking that we are living a pleasant life by enjoying the foods that have no nutritional value. 
Without knowing how our foods kill us and treating the symptoms of the ailments with medications is like scratching the dirt from the surface. But that doesn't solve the issue of why and what caused the problem in the first place. i.e., without clearing the root cause of the issue, you can never help a person how so ethically you do your profession. People should be taught how to eat right as that is the only tool that is going to keep them healthy till death.
Everyone has the right to know what to eat right!
The scope of the physicians should be to teach their patients how to make their food-friendly for their bodies.

Best Foods for Acid Reflux

Thursday 24, March 2022

Acid reflux happens when stomach acid flows upward into your esophagus. Occasional acid reflux is common, and most individuals experience heartburn associated with acid reflux from time to time. However, when acid reflux occurs regularly or involves a large amount of acid, it becomes a real problem that can have lasting impacts on your digestive health.

Acid reflux is frequently caused by a weak or damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is the body part that connects your esophagus to your stomach. A strong, healthy LES closes after your food enters your stomach, which keeps the food and your stomach acid contained within your stomach. A weak LES does not close tightly and allows acid from your stomach to leak into your esophagus, which causes heartburn.

Additionally, if your body produces higher amounts of stomach acid, that acid is more likely to travel from your stomach into your esophagus, making you more likely to experience acid reflux. Controlling the acid in your stomach is the best way to control acid reflux symptoms.

Fortunately, what you eat plays a significant role in controlling acid reflux and is often the first line of defense in treating your condition. You food choices impact the amount of acid your stomach produces. Choosing “stomach friendly” foods will help alleviate your symptoms and allow you to feel your best.

In general, experts recommend maintaining a well-balanced, low-fat diet for optimal acid reflux symptom control. Below we break down what a well-balanced diet looks like for someone with acid reflux.

How to reach us

Paramathi : 32/5, Dr. Janani’s Health Management Center, Main Road, Paramathi PO., Paramathivelur Tk., Namakkal - 637 207.

Salem : 29, Dr. Janani’s Health Management Center, 1st Floor, Brindavan Road, Near Balaji Temple, Fairlands, Salem, Tamil Nadu - 636 016.